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Zither banjo & tenor banjo

zither banjo
tenor banjo
The upper picture shows a 5-string zither banjo of the type on which I learned, rather unsuitably, to play chords for trditional jazz. The white vellum (or plastic) head is suspended inside the body. The lower picture shows a 4-string tenor banjo, which has a larger head, attached directly to the arm. Instead of a body, a detachable 'resonator' can be seen underneath the head. Without the resonator, the the open-backed instrument is quieter for practising. This is the type on which I should have been learning to play.

The zither banjo pic is from a wonderful site for banjo fans called banjohangout.

The tenor banjo pic is from some interestingly quirky site the name of which I've forgotten. But if the owner contacts me I'll provide a link.