NAME: Nigel Palmer
DATE: 24 September 2004
I started at QE in 1954 (50 years ago!) in Form 1B -
room T - form master Ken Carter. Peg no. 148 (
stamped on my
kitbag ). Much of the teaching consisted
of the master reading from a textbook or making
the class repeat paradigms by rote. I remember
Ernie Jenkins (headmaster), Bernie Pinnock,
Jack Covington, 'Poker' Pearce, 'Frosty'
Winter, 'Sam' Cocks and 'Tiger' Timson. Old
Mayes was the caretaker and he had an assistant,
Random memories: playing rugby on the Gun
Field, picking stones out of my face after being
tackled; shouting "School!" when supporting the
First XV; wearing a red slip as a non-swimmer (
to pass the test we had to jump in at the deep
end and swim a length). Early friends were
Vic Coughtrey, Tony Bolden, Jim Gurnett, Brian Hond
and Arnold Segal. Then later, Chris Martin and
Gerry Hunt, when we were compelled to take
classics, despite all protests to the contrary.
There was an underground magazine in the 6th
form - the
My career, after Exeter
University, has been as a Librarian Institute
of Classical Studies, London Zoo, Health
Education Council and (for 30 years) St.Mary's
Hospital Medical School. I'm retired now, but
still running half marathons, playing tennis and
badminton, watching Spurs and following the
Royal Shakespeare Company.