NAME: John Reimann
DATE: 24 July 2009
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1960 - 1966
As with many respondents, my years at QE were a living Hell! Every day was designed to be purposefully torture and pompous, classist, ignorant, stupid, sadistic experience for the sole benefit of the very poor teaching staff, most of whom would be on criminal charges of assault by today's standards.
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 02 August 2009
CONNECTION WITH QE: inmate 1957-64
Presumably you mean poor = bad. I'm not sure that applied to all the masters. Kaye Townsend always struck me as very good, as was BOP - who on more than one occasion guessed that I had copied Eric Disdale's essays for my homework!! It's very easy just to remember that bad things. I recollect that we had a great number of laughs during my 7 years or so at the school. Life was very different in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and perhaps at that time, what we would now regard as mediocre, would have been regarded as good or even very good. However, compared with the prefects' antics in the film
If... QE was a doddle!