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ONLINE MUSEUM: Left half of Leicester House 1960 photo

In this LEFT HALF of the Leicester '60 photo contributed by Martyn Day, Martyn himself is standing on the extreme left hand end of the 4th row, wearing a grey suit. The person next to him is Nigel 'Noddy' Evans. Martyn's brother Glyn is sitting in the 1st row, 4 in from the extreme left hand end. Martyn adds that 5th from the left in the 4th row is Peter Mossman and 8th from the left is "the legendary 'Willy' Warboys".
Gerry Hunt has added the following names: 3rd row, 8th from left - CR Brand (Christopher); 9th from left - M F Lock (Martin?); 10th from left - Gil Smith (assistant housemaster ?); 11th from left - Chris Dickman.
Further information has come in from Gordon Hassell. He is 8th from the left in the 2nd row and says that 5th from the left in the same row is Colin Anderson. In the front row, 5th from the left (to the right of Glyn Day) Gordon has identified Humph Billington.
Also, Hedley Morgan has said that at the left end of the back row is Whalley and three in on the 4th row, and next to Martyn and Noddy, is Dave Langstone.
PLEASE NOTE: 'left' means the viewer's left, not the real left !