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ONLINE MUSEUM: Right half of Leicester House 1960 photo

In this RIGHT HALF of the Leicester '60 photo contributed by Martyn Day, the only name Martyn can recall is that of Pete Cairns, 9th from the right (in the grey jacket) in the 4th row.
Gerry Hunt has identified himself as being 2nd left in the 3rd row. Next to him on the left is Chris Dickman.
Brian Seal has offered the following for the 5th row (l-r): Roger Birchall, Stuart Anderson, N/K, Andrew Spence, N/K, Michael Bullet, Keith Record, N/K, Nigel Wood, 'Bronco' Layne, N/K.
And here's Derek White's contribution: 4th row (l-r) - M A Sigler, P J Cairns, Currell, J R Paternoster, A J Plowman(?), ????
3rd row (l-r): C D N Dickman, G A Hunt, H L Johnstone, C H Shirley, R A Wright, G D Garstone, ????
Also, Hedley Morgan has said that the 'N/K' between K.Record & N.Wood is Chris Webber, and in front of him is Pete Parrish. Fifth from the end of the 4th row, he says, is Brian Symons
Nigel Wood tentatively adds these names for 7th, 9th & 10th from the left in the 4th row: Colin Smith, David Lowen, Geoffrey Lindsay-Neale.
PLEASE NOTE: 'left' means the viewer's left, not the real left !