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ONLINE MUSEUM: Signatures of Form 1B, 1955

This copy covered with signatures marks the end of the academic year 1954-55, thus the end of the first year at the school for Form 1B, whose names appear on it. Term may have ended on a Saturday, which would explain the absence of Goldstein and Segal (Jewish boys were excused school on Saturdays) but where were you, Terry?
I was in 1C the same year, so remember nearly all of these people. I've listed some of them below for the benefit of search engines, in the hope that the next time these people Google themselves they'll discover this site:
John R Hooper, Ian Tegg, PA gregory, Robin Ransome, DAD Webber, TORJ Herbert, Graham Rainbird, Anthony Bolden, David Farrer, Jimmy Essex, L.Little, RCA Cheek, Anton Goldstein, Arnold Segal, Dickman, Embleton..
The rest either signed illegibly, already know about this site or are known by me to have shuffled off..
I'm indebted to Nigel Palmer for the loan of this copy, which I intend to add to the full issues already on the site in due course.