NAME: B.Kaufman
22 July 2010
I was there in the mid-late 1990s. QE Boys gave me a hell of an education, and many good grades to boot. Having said that, it seemed pretty authoritarian at times, perhaps unnecessarily so? So for example there was one occasion where a rather over-excited Business Studies teacher lined five of us up outside his office, apparently having heard one of us swear during the lunch break. We were in fact discussing our pet dogs and cats and were having fun in the playground. But no ... He was certain one of us had used the 'F' word and decided to find out who by lining us up, screaming said word in our 12-year old faces, spitting in the process and just because I found this funny and laughed, he of course assumed I was the guilty party. Detention ensued when in fact I wanted to take part in the conker championships. Other than that, fun old times.
NAME: Brian Seal

DATE: 25 July 2011
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil 1957-63
A similar thing happened to me on my 13th birthday. I was given 50 lines for talking in class, when I was not, by a sub-prefect named Smith. I have issued a fatwah on him but it seems there are several other Smiths around! It's just another lesson from QE that life is never fair. Ain't education great?!