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NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 25 July 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1956-1963
At a computer again in Ludgershall, Wilts Library and unable to access thread 32 as it is censored / filtered, I would like to comment favourably on some aspects of Sam C0cks' geography classes and homework as a new thread. Maybe some also could be encouraged to have one thread per subject rather than a growing number on a combined subject thread, especially with the threat of censorship. I remember the frequently set homework of describing what was in a picture in the geography textbook. This is a good habit to encourage i.e. the art of close observation, so that it may not always be said that women are the only great observers. Whether it has much to do with geography is another question, of course. The other thing was the going round the class asking a question to see if any knew the answer. This I have found a good way to keep most in the class awake and have benefited from it in law lecturing in later life.
course with Sam the memories of his withering looks to some answers was memorable as well as his tone when he said "Next" followed by further "Next ... Next" until he might get a satisfactory answer. This will be remembered by all of my generation but is part of the picture of the man for new pupils. Then of course was the habit of chalking round the legs of desks on the floor to make sure they stayed straight. Is this a case of early OCD? Perhaps we should all strive to have such order in our lives and surroundings and it is an example to us all. I also remember the examples mentioned elsewhere on the theme: "The book says ..." "The book is wrong." "Manchester is often called Cottonopolis. I've never heard it called that." Forward to a TV programme seen by me saying the exact opposite.
NNAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 25 July 2012
It may be the name C0cks which is upsetting the 'family filter'. I used asterisks for a while, but am now substituting the digit '0' for the letter 'o'. You could try having a word with whoever is in charge of the computers at the library, if it's not too embarassing. I believe there's a way of temporarily overriding the filter for a particular word and visit.
Regarding people sticking to one subject per thread, I get the impression that most contributors prefer a bit of leeway for a conversation to meander naturally, as long as there is no abrupt and irrational jump to a subject that hasn't appeared in the thread at all up to that point. In those caes I always refuse to place the message in the thread indicated by the contributor and put it somewhere more appropriate.
NAME: Simon Hersom
DATE: 27 July 2012
I had Sam as form master both in the 4th and 5th form and he taught me both geography and RE. I say taught but it was really my mother who got me through Geography O level by coaching me in reading OS maps. Sam declined to replace his copies of the Philllips school atlas which showed large parts of the world in pink. He covered those parts of th syllabus which interested him, and modern developments didn't interest him. One whole period was devoted to Sam reading aloud the railway timetable from somewhere to Vancouver: he found Kamloops to be very amusing.
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 28 July 2012
You may be right about C0cks being the offending word
[see reply 1]. I will try and ascertain if possible from Wiltshire Libraries whether the filter may be overruled for individuals.
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 02 August 2012
I have since thought further about this matter and do not think it is C0cks that is being censored by Wiltshire County Council library service, as C0cks does appear in other threads without being censored. I have enquired from their e-mail address as to whether further informatiom may be given as to what they are censoring. Maybe someone said someone was found P***ed in a pub. Not being able to read thread 32 in the library I am unable to suggest the likely suspects. I am glad that C0cks does not seem to be what is censored out of respect to the dear man who has passed on from this world.
NAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 02 August 2012
I hope you're right but some of the filters (depending on the brand) are notoriously inconsistent. I hope you get a coherent response from the library service. Bearing in mind that Thread 32 started life as a competition, perhaps we should start a new competition: Find-the-naughty-word(s)-in-32 ?
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 02 August 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil 1957-64
You don't have to look very far if you start from the beginning.
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 04 August 2012
Nigel, you are right. On looking through thread 32 via Andover Library in Hampshire I read some possibles. It is to me of some relevance that Hampshire does not censor thread 32 nor does Butlins holiday camp at Bognor whereas Wiltshire does. I await a reply from Wiltshire Library Service. Watch this space!
Now some more about Sam C0cks: When I was in the upper school Sam started a Geographical Society, which met sometimes after school. I used to go along, though not doing A-Level Geography and enjoyed the talks. Sam seemed surprised to see me there. I wonder what the exact purpose of it was as no other masters had separate societies for their subjects. I do not recall any doing A level Geography but I suppose there may have been one or two.
8th REPLY (originally 7th reply in Thread 91)
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 11 August 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: Could do better 1957-64
I remember when Sam C0cks asked for the name of the first steam engine, going round the class as usual. When Geoff Lindsay-Neale (RIP) was asked, he replied "Thomas the Tank Engine Sir" at which Sam burst into a rage picking poor Geoff up and forcibly ejected him from the room. Oh for a time machine!
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 17 August 2012
I continue to use this thread for reference to Filtering by Wiltshire Library Service but this thread has also now been filtered by them and like with Thread 32 I will have to access via Hampshire Library Service at Andover unless they start to filter it as well. I have received an E-mail reply from them and it is entirely unhelpful as to what words have triggered the filter and will not let me access it as a one off. Everyone must be banned from it. I am also warned that I may not copy their e-mail reply to anyone. Perhaps Stephen Giles can battle against them like with Customs and Excise and the Argentine Ambassador.
[See comments about this in Vic's notices]
10th REPLY
NAME: Paul Buckland
DATE: 18 August 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: former inmate
Like Simon Hersom
[reply 2], I well remember the pronounciation of Kamloops with the final stress on the S. As with Stephen's recollection of Lindsay-Neal
[reply 8] I also remember being forcibly ejected from the Geography class. Sam was talking about Captain Wanklyn V.C. Why a 14 or 15 year old boy should have found the name amusing I cannot imagine or remember however I turned around to smile at a friend of mine. The next thing I can hear Sam saying is "Buckland, why do you keep turning around and grinning at X?" I was then hauled over the desk - from memory we sat at a table of two in the Geography room - and was manhandled out of the door. Expecting severe retribution I waited until the end of the class and all Sam said was "Get your books and GO". Many will still here that familiar "Gooo!!" Happy Days !
11th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 17 August 2012
Hurrah! Vic, your juggling around with the text has worked. I can now access thread 94 again at Ludgershall Library as well as Andover Library. The next step to freeing thread 32 may be a little harder! Incidentally I also tried to access the OE website at Andover Library but could not. It said the site was suspicious. Consult the library Service if I wish. Perhaps similar results to Ludgershall Library enquiries but I did not have time anyway. My hour was up.
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