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NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 14 November 2012
Vic, in reference to the section in
Webmaster's Notes on
The Elizabethan, and suggesting it maybe needs a new thread rather than an addition to thread 104, I was interested to your comments on the Christian Union and Mr CR Brand. I have looked at the CR Brand
website mentioned and can only say how astounding it is. I was going to say amazing but in the light of Revel Horwood's use of the word on
Strictly Come Dancing (AmaZING!) I say astounding instead. What do other readers think? Once again I could only access it via Andover Library. (Wiltshire Library filtered it). Nevertheless I hope you may forgive his remarks to you should he apologize at this late date for his remarks.
QUESTIONS ARISING: Can we really forgive others as the Lords Prayer says we should if there is no expression of being sorry from the trespasser? Is there still a Christian Union at the school and are there Unions for other faiths? What about mainstream teaching, assuming there is no assembly like we used to have?"
NAME: Gerry Hunt
DATE: 21 November 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil 1954-61
I've just returned to the site after a fairly long break. (Is James Cowen aiming at a takeover?). I noted his reference to CR Brand's
website. I made the mistake of looking at it. James describes it as "astounding". I'd use the words 'offensive' if not 'revolting'. Several of us thought Brand a bit odd at school. He now seems to have become almost certifiable! How anyone can hold such twisted views and mouth them in such an offensive manner is beyond me. I have had my own doubts about some aspects of QE, but I cannot believe that the school can have influenced his outlook on life in any way whatsoever.
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 26 November 2012
I am not trying, Gerry, for a takeover but recognize I like some others have made a lot of entries. However that has not stopped others from replying and if it is a help, Vic, please make others entries before mine, which you maybe do anyway. Again as on another thread I would urge others to contribute. I enjoy reading all the entries myself.
NAME: Vic Coughtrey (Webmaster)
Then & NowDATE: 26 November 2012
I have once or twice held your replies back for a day or two just to see if anyone else wants to come in. Also, where you or anyone else has submitted two or three replies in quick succession in the same thread and those replies look to me like extensions of an existing reply, I combine the replies with the existing one. However, this doesn't mean that I'm not very grateful for the enthusiastic support you are giving this site. As you say, in other threads you have urged others to contribute more often and, for my part, I would much rather see others contribute more often than see you contributing less. But perhaps we're sounding a bit too serious here - I'm sure there was an element of banter in Gerry's comment !
NAME: Nick Dean
DATE: 26 November 2012
Regarding the original message, I have no idea about the current status, if any, of the Christian Union. However, I do remember that, in my time, it made some efforts to attract a broad church, including, on two occasions, myself. In 1966 a maths master called Chinnery took a group us to hear Billy Graham at Wembley Stadium (to where I returned shortly afterwards for a World Cup match between France and Mexico). Then, in about 1968, Cliff Richard (who lived locally and, rightly or wrongly, was often - luckily, we thought - linked with Cindy Kent of the Settlers, now the Rev Kent) came to the school do some born-again folk-y stuff with his guitar. Bernie Pinnock was MC on that occasion and, in his most deliberately lofty manner, announced that "Mr Webb is here in a private capacity and will not be signing autographs". (In 2009 my wife and I saw Cliff and the Shadows do their proper rock 'n' roll thing at Wembley Arena and they were better than we dared imagine!)
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 27 November 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: inmate 1957-64
I saw Cliff & The Shadows just once at the London Palladium around 1977-78. When they opened up with The Young Ones I could not believe "that sound". Of course there are currently a number of tribute bands who achieve the 1959-61 era sound of The Shadows, using original Meazzi echo units with carefully spaced playback heads, in particular The Rapiers and The Shadowers.
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 28 November 2012
You are right, Vic
[reply 3], to combine the several replies I might make at the same time into one reply, as I do it on account of the word limitation on replies, which as you say elsewhere is there for a valid reason. Acceptable also is the holding back of a further entry in the hope that other replies may come first. In urging others to contribute I do have to say I am supporting you and your messages such as creating certain threads as general interest themes, such as bullying in one thread and child abuse by staff mentioned in another. I acknowledge there is the element of banter in Gerry's remarks but do at times wonder whether I should start another thread yet again or submit one more reply to one I have already replied to. Your saying you prefer more rather than less is an encouragement. Of course in the summer I was away on holidays for many
weeks and thus there was a pause on entries on my part (2 weeks in Turkey
and three weeks in a caravan in Devon, Norfolk and Sussex) and I hoped to see several more replies from others, not disappointed in some cases. I do sometimes also deliberately hold back and get on with one other pursuit on the computer, investigating my ancestry.
NAME: Brian Seal

DATE: 28 November 2012
OMG Steve
[reply 5]. Just prior to leaving QE in December 63, I joined the world-famous Dominators - two other OE's, Dave Cooper and Mick Bail, plus a civilian (we still get together occasionally in a studio somewhere) and were huge (not) around Hatfield area. Anyway, my point is, we thought we were the dogs wotsits when we bought a Meazzi Factotum sound system. Memories !!
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 29 November 2012
I would like to thank once more Roger Nolan for sending in the copies of
The Elizabethan and particularly for me the 1960 copy as the others relate to times after I have left.
[See original message] They bring back some memories on the nostalgia front. The Christian Union relates to a time prior to my joining in their meetings though. When I joined in going to meetings which generally took place prior to school assembly Sansom Junior (i.e Michael) was a leading light rather than Sansom Senior (PC Sansom) and I was friends with Tim Fawdry, brother of Rupert, also at the school. I do not recall many speakers or much of a presence of Poker Pearce and Bernie Pinnock, though they were still President and Chairman I recall. most attendees were the Established Church i.e C of E. I was a bit of an exception going to a Free Church, Borehamwood Baptist, along with Godfrey Smith. It is through the Baptist Church that I met my wife, whom I love dearly and have been married to for 40 years.
The Elizabethan of 1960 I was also interested to see so many names of people who attend still the Forty Group of OEs which is a group meeting twice a year at the OE Pavillion and also at the Annual Dinner at the school. DJ Farrer the President at the dinners appears many times and I note also the frequent references to JC Swann, who sat opposite me at one of these. Both of these were also Prefects for Underne Houise, though this was before my time in the 6th Form. I also noticed myself in Athletics results finishing 6th in the 400 yards and 2nd in the 800 yards walk. This shows I did compete other than in cross country. In fact for Borehamwood Athletic Club I competed in several events at meets. We needed the points and these were notched up even if finishing last or nearly last.
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 02 December 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1957 - 64
I'd like to say how much I enjoy JC's contributions. He sees the positive in people's characters, and teaches a gentle lesson to some of us who are rather quick to judge. I have been in this category. To understand all is to forgive all, but rather better not to demand understanding as an absolute prerequisite.
10th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 04 December 2012
I must admit, Nigel, I do try these days to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and don't mess with anything between, as the old song goes. When I was first going out with my fiancee Ayleen, later my wife and for the last 40 years, she used to say I was always grumbling about everything and when I said none of my friends had complained she said they must have got used to it. I introduced a grumble box rather than the well-known swear box and had to put money in it of course whenever my wife said I was grumbling. As I like to keep hold of my cash it did lead to much less grumbling as well as raising money for some charity or other. She does sometimes threaten to reintroduce it but very rarely now. I would recommend the scheme to others.
I do try to see the positive in people that's true,and in situations generally but was I a grumbler at school without knowing it and did I acquire the grumbling habit there? I would need others to say. I think that I enjoyed most of my time and certainly would not rail against some masters as some do on this site. Mr Cosford the French teacher gave me an 'A' report for reading something in the class other than French. Incredible but maybe he was grieving about something! Certainly I received no punishment from housemaster Bernie Pinnock. Was he in a good mood or had he mellowed from his slasher days reported elsewhere? Today pupils don't seem to be grumbling nor their parents. Just google the last
Ofsted report of 2008. (At every 4 years another one should be due soon).
For all your contributions to the site, Nigel, and not only to the great thread 32 I believe you should be awarded a site Knighthood, becoming a member of the Royal Elizabethan Grand Order of Stapylton Field. First of all, though, you will have to submit a recent photo, so that you may join the then and now gang. I enjoyed seeing the contrast of recent and old Mr Dilly photos from Mike (Couf) Cottrell recently received and of course we have Stephen Giles then and now and others too.
11th REPLY
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 09 December 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1957 - 64
James [vocative], you are too kind, and there is a danger of this thread becoming the organ of a society for mutual admiration. You're right about the photo - I'll do something about it.
12th REPLY
NAME: Nick Dean
DATE: 10 December 2012
I suppose the suitability of the A report might have depended on what was being read, but it does seem to have been an unusual reaction. I remember in 1C Eric Shearly doing his best to appear outraged when he saw a boy consulting a French dictionary during an end of term sex education lesson. Then, in about the 4th form, John Finnett seemed almost at a loss when enquiring why a boy felt it necessary to have a full range of geometry instruments laid out for Latin. As regards maintaining interest in French lessons, Grotty Smith had a good wheeze: he made available for sale a periodical called
Ca Va, aimed at young people learning the language. In addition to having very nice pictures of Francoise Hardy, there were articles (in French) that prompted a number of discursive discussions (in English), for example on wine regions (shades of St Trinian's).
13th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 13 December 2012
A society for mutual admiration!
[Reply 11] I don't think so but at least there are not likely to be many entries from OE Forty club regulars, who meet twice a year and so I have been told since 1995. They have been able to reminisce successfully outside this website. I am sure there is a good bit of mutual admiration there.
14th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 07 February 2013
Prompted by a reply of yours on
Thread 93, Nick
[on an unrelated matter], I thought I would have a look at the Wikipedia QE entry again to see if there were any recent changes. At the top of distinguished pupils I noted a cross reference to people educated at QE Grammar School for Boys and clicked on it to discover Chris Brand, whom I and Gerry Hunt talked about in the original message and reply 1 above. There is a cross reference to a Wikipedia entry just for Chris Brand and I was astounded by all therein, which I have never heard about before. Amongst so much else apparently he was fired from his 27 year tenured position at Edinburgh University in 1997, and later sued for unfair dismissal, receiving the maximum compensation of £12,000. Some may find the whole entry interesting and it also mentions he went up to Oxford to the same college as EHJ and TBE. I notice also his
website is still going strong, with so many subjects, and there may be some who wish to reply to some of it.
Webmaster's note: you might be advised to read Gerry Hunt's comments [reply 1] before deciding if you really want to visit CRB's site !
15th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 18 February 2013
Upon reading through the Dec '60
Elizabethan on site for another purpose, I note that Chris Brand wrote a piece on the joys of sailing compared with other sporting activities. I do not know whether such pieces, which also included articles on skiing and the nature of subjects such as history were done off their own bat or in this case from their own sailing or were commissioned from them by the editor of the time. But I digress. How long did this pastime of sailing at Aldenham continue for and did QEs have their own boat or was one hired from the sailing club? It is one of the things I have on my list of 50 things to do before I die. It did recall to me school days of stopping at the Fishery Inn for a drink, walking round the Aldenham Reservoir with my Dad at weekends and watching Elstree Cricket Club, where my family had strong connections. (Uncles and cousins played and umpired there).
16th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 02 March 2013
For those who may be interested and are not currently members of the OE Association the next 40 Society Lunch is on Thursday 25th April 2013 at Gipsy Corner Pavillion at 12.45p.m. The charge to attend is £24 and application for a ticket should be made to RD Parker. It is open to all at school more than 40 years ago (1973) whether OE members or not.
Webmaster's note: for RD Parker's phone number contact me. (For security reasons, I can only give it to people whose email addresses prove they are contributors to this site).
17th REPLY
NAME: David Selway-Hoskins
Then & NowDATE: 13 March 2014
Re Cliff Richard (or Mr. Webb)
[replies 4 & 5], does anyone remember Jim Gurnett (1954 intake)? To say that Jim was a fan of Sir Cliff would be a mild understatement. When some of us had one of those primitive BSR turntables, Jim had a Garrard studio deck in a custom made unit with tailored slots for EVERY disc (single EP, LP) Cliff and The Shadows had made. I don't think he had any other records, he used to live just off the bottom of Barnet Hill.
18th REPLY
NAME: Vic Coughtrey (Webmaster)
Then & NowDATE: 13 March 2014
I remember Jim Gurnett very well, David. He was on the fringe of my select circle of friends. Although we had many conversations, I don't remember the Cliff Richard obsession, although I expect he made me well aware of it at the time.
19th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 22 March 2014
For those who may be interested and are not members of the OE Association there is another OE 40 Society lunch this April 2014 at the Gipsy Corner pavilion. Enquiries may be made from the school/OEs. I have booked my ticket and look forward to chatting with others there.
In regard to Cliff Richard
[replies 4,5,17], I remember going to see
The Young Ones in a central London cinema when at school and being very joyful in that regard, singing the songs and dancing in the street. I did not see
Summer Holiday in the cinema but have watched both films since on the TV as well as having my own video copies. It is still amazing to me how so many of the 60s performers are still with us performing and indeed have become Knights of the realm, not that I personally agree with all that ballyhoo continuing, though it will - failing a revolution.
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