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NAME: Mike Coleman
DATE: 20 October 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: Stapylton 1956-63
This may be of interest ...
NAME: Gerry Hunt
DATE: 05 November 2013
Amazed at his scanty pre-QE experience - albeit in the East End of London - and at the fact that he wasn't registered with the Council until after he'd come to QE.
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 06 November 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: inmate 1957-64
It would be interesting to know how many others were interviewed for the post of headmaster when both applied!
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 06 November 2013
Good to see you appearing on this site, Mike
[original message]. How are you getting on and for that matter what have you been up to since leaving St Catherine's - Cambridge? Maybe you will be at one of the OE events some time even if there are not too many at them from the 1956 entry. It is always good to chat with other years entries, though.
NAME: Steve Lucas

DATE: 12 November 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1964-71 (Leiceester)
Yes, Jas, good to hear from Mike - used to work with MJC in the Patent Department of the Wellcome Foundation in around 1976/77 but saw him again (at CPA exams; groan) in 78/79 or so where he gave me a copy of the School Song (which I've since lost!). I qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 1980 but got bored with it all and went into IT (far more interesting but a legal background always helped in contract negotiations!). How are you doing Mike?!?!
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 14 December 2013
An interesting point from Gerry
[reply 1] about EHJ's date of registration on the form. It is similar with Mr Latimer - registered in 1915, 9 years after becoming HM in 1906. Are these the only forms registered or are there any earlier registration forms? I have not yet made time to look on the Teachers Registration site but as a teacher yourself, Gerry, what are the rules?
I do not know, Stephen
[reply 2], if it is recorded on the Internet anywhere as to who or how many have applied for various posts such as Headmaster back in the 1930s but I rather doubt it. Perhaps there are records kept at the school, maybe even in the school museum. I recall Bop Wakelin telling me when he applied to be HM of Hinchinbrook School near Huntingdon that there were several applicants being interviewed on the same day and when the panel chairman said "Shall we follow the normal procedure starting alphabetically?". Bop objected and said "Can lots be drawn for the order?" He did not like as a 'W' always being last or near last. He was interviewed towards the middle and got the job. I have found for most jobs I have gone for there were many candidates and perhaps there were for the two Headmasterships also.
Talking about interviews for jobs I have experienced so much of it over the years, both as an interviewer and interviewee, and am very interested in the matter. Perhaps there may be people looking in to the site who have interesting anecdotes. I remember one personnel manager myself who asked if I could eat the job. Another interviewer after telling me about his company said "So we're great. What about you? I was a modest chap who has always found it difficult to brag like many on
The Apprentice and got a bit taken back by such statements, though I forced myself to get better at it. At British Road Services Ltd HQ I saw resumes of all the staff including myself controlled by the Finance Director and thought "Do I really do all that? I'd better ask for a rise. I did indeed have rises and also promotions.
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