NAME: James (Jas) CowenTwo of the OE members who have died recently were prominent members of the Association. Alan King (at QE 1947-55) was a former Membership Secretary and Bob Parker (at QE 1945-53) was the presiding host at OE 40 club lunches ably assisted in the running of them by his wife Liz. I was not able to go to Alan's funeral due to other commitments but did attend the funeral of Bob in New Southgate crematorium. This latter occasion was very well attended. A recording of England's win in the Rugby Union World Cup against Australia was played and also a video recording of Swing low, sweet chariot, that English rugby adopted spiritual. A wake was held in a hotel near Hadley Wood and this was also well attended. Bob was of course a great rugby fan and a past captain of the QE 1st XV. His 2 sons also OEs were there also along with some of the grandchildren. Alan I knew a little, having sat next to him at one of the 40 Club lunches. He was a quiet man but still interesting to talk to. They will both be missed.