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NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 07 September 2006
CONNECTION WITH QE: 'Former inmate'
Who remembers music lessons with Dickie Whittington? I'm
talking about the late fifties of course. We were subjected
to hideous classical 78s, all carefully placed on the
turntable by Jackson, his favourite - until one day he put on
Rock Around the Clock instead!!! Dickie went absolutely
crazy. He always called me a thundering (possibly
fundering) nuisance.
NAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 07 September 2006
Ung-oo, ung-oo, ung-oo, ung-oo. Full fathom five, full fathom five, full fathom five, full fathom five.
NAME: Ian Sadler

DATE: 12 September 2006
CONNECTION WITH QE: Former pupil 1951-58
Oh yes indeed. Another phrase was DISH IS FOOD.
Apart from this I remember:
(a) while the 78 rpm discs were spinning he would
yell "Trombone!" "Flute!" etc at appropriate places. One
day the telephone further down the corridor rang in the
middle of a piano concerto and he shouted out "Triangle!"
We insisted it was the telephone so we had to hear that
side (4 minutes) again - no triangle although he still
insisted one should be there.
(b) We usually had him immediately after lunch - in those
days there was no school refectory - lunch was in the
school hall and beacause it wasn't big enough to hold the
whole school at once, years 1 and 2 had lunch between
periods 3 and 4 in the morning - and the class started at
12.30 - he usually told us to get on with "something" for
the first 20 minutes before we sang the scales or listened
to the records. 'Tiger' Timpson must have got wind of
this because in one Latin lesson he suddenly asked "Do
you have music today?" and promptly set us extra homework.
NAME: Mike Carter
DATE: 14 September 2006
CONNECTION WITH QE: Former inmate is correct 1957-63
How on earth do you remember these names after all these
years? Admittedly some teachers were more memorable than
others but until seeing some of the names appear in the
various threads I couldn't have come up with more than
three or four.
The music room, if memory serves me right, was at the end of
a particularly gloomy corridor on the wing closest to
Queen's Road. I think you had to turn right just before the
master's day room. It doubled as an art room I believe and
we always had to queue outside no doubt making as much
noise as we dared at the time. I remember the class being
split into groups of four with all of us having to sing
something or other to see if we could sing in tune,
something I still cannot do.
Derek Fry, whose name appears in one of the other threads,
was the teacher who drew the short straw and accompanied
us anoraks interested in (if I dare say it) TRAIN SPOTTING!
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 13 December 2006
We had 'Dickie' Whittington on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 'Full fathom five',
'Dish is food' etc. occupied Tuesday's lesson; Thursday's was spent listening
to Mendelssohn's
Hebridean overture (Fingal's Cave), or the Storm Movement
from Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. It was rarely anything else, though I do
seem to remember something about a pump-room. Like Stephen Giles (even
though we weren't in the same form) I can remembering a particularly
naughty boy being told he was "a thundering great nuisance to the whole
form". Most memorable, though, was the inevitable "Hands up who hopes it's
sausages!", which came during Tuesday's (pre-lunch) lesson.
Nasty schoolboys though we were, I think we saw the sadness of Dickie
Whittington's plight, especially when we learned that he was staying on
beyond retirement age because by some misfortune he had just missed a
pension entitlement. When he did retire, obviously a sick man, he survived
only a few months.
NAME: Paul Buckland
DATE: 28 December 2006
I would imagine that the job of teaching teenage boys
music must be the most unrewarding of all. I do not
remember 'Dickie' Whittington, but his successor 'Bill'
Biggs who tried to teach us music in the school hall met
with equal lack of success. I can still remember the jeers
when he talked of homophonic sounds, and made us sing the
most weird folk songs (although I still remember the
words). His great redeeming feature in the eyes of all the
boys was that his teenage daughter was deemed 'a cracker'.
A colleague whose nephew is now at QE tells me that the
standard of music is now extremely high with an excellent
orchestra. The downside, apparently, boys cannot get into
the orchestra without passing the relevant Royal College
exam grades.
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 08 January 2007
CONNECTION WITH QE: Former nuisance 1957-64
During my time at QE, I greatly resented how classical
music was rammed down our throats and I wonder how much
that has changed since. I am not aware of any famous rock
musicians who went to QE, and I can remember Dilly blaming
my guitar playing for failing O Levels! How many rock
musicians apart from myself have performed in the school
hall I wonder??
NAME: Martyn Day
Then & NowDATE: 24 January 2007
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1956 - 1963
I remember playing with some other guitar players in the
School Hall on Open Night - or whatever it was called - in
1961. The highlight of the evening was a heated discussion
about who had the most 'twang', Hank Marvin or
the 'Twangmeister' himself Duane Eddy? The Shadows had just
FBI which, according to one of my fellow guitar
nerds, featured Hank using an ultra-twangy bass pick-up on
his Fender Stratocaster. Wow!
I also remember that Tony Lyon persuaded Guy Hewlett and
myself to play a one-off gig in Cuffley with some local
musicians, Tommy Moueller, Buster Meikle and the
wonderously named Johnny Macbeth on bass. Although we were
absolute rubbish three of the band went on to form Unit 4 +
2 and had a world wide hit with
Concrete and Clay and two
of them didn't. Can you guess which two didn't make it?
NAME: Phil Ward
DATE: 24 January 2007
CONNECTION WITH QE: Inmate 1935-44
I have never been able to sing in tune and 'Dickie' Whittington didn't help. One day he had us singing something when he got up from the piano and walked round the class like someone trying to find the source of a bad smell. When he reached me, he slapped me across the back of the head and hissed "Sit down, shut up, and don't let me hear you singing again!". From then on, I used music lessons to get a start on my homework.
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