NAME: Vic CoughtreySome of you like to quote newspapers quite a lot and that has given me the idea of starting this thread for newspapers, magazines, periodical, annuals, etc. You can, of course, continue to quote from them in any relevant thread, but this thread is more for a discussion of the nature of the publications themselves, and could include reminiscences about them as they used to be, criticism of them and - well, let's just see how it develops! There will no doubt be some overlap with Thread 21 - the political thread. RESTRICTED THREAD: please make publications past and present, apart from novels (another thread required for them?) the main topic of your reply.
NAME: James (Jas) CowenRegarding Alan's reply 3 in Thread W21, I too used to read the Daily Express, following the adventures of Rupert Bear. It was only a small strip but interest was fuelled by the acquiring of Rupert Bear annuals each year. I still do enjoy reading them and not only to my grandchildren. I did acquire some from a charity shop the other day and marvelled once more at the contents. I also used to read the News Chronicle for strips relating to the I-spy books for the same reasons. The little books may still be bought at £2.50 per time.
NAME: James (Jas) CowenOf course there have been other newspapers besides the News Chronicle that have come and gone. I remember the Daily Sketch and Today. I used to play a game in my youth with my brother John and cousin Caroline called Scoop, which involved getting newspaper slots in your paper (sports column, news column, advert etc.). We used to enjoy that very much and played it often. I believe the Daily Sketch was still in circulation when we played the game and along with others was one of the papers one could have but it was definitely before Today had come on the scene. Do others remember playing the game and enjoying it?
Am I right in remembering that there was a Jeff Hawke comic strip in the Express or am I thinking of another publication?
NAME: James (Jas) CowenIn relation to the Jeff Hawke comic strip there is a large article on Wikipedia with very full information.
NAME: James (Jas) CowenI continue to be a daily reader of the Daily Mail. I know some like The Times and The Daily Telegraph, which have good aspects, which the Mail does not have, but I would not be able to make time for these so-called quality papers. I think that criticism of the Mail by many as being just a propaganda organ for the Tory party are incorrect. There is frequent criticism of members of the Tory party and of government policy. As an example take last Friday's headline ("Dave's Two Fingers To The Voters") with the sub heading "With brazen contempt for public opinion, Cameron showers honours on chums, cronies and second raters." Quite so! The Mail again points to the true position most emphatically.