NAME: James (Jas) CowenI am writing on behalf of the Yes Group Essex on two subjects that may be of interest to any local Essex/Herts OEs. Firstly the group meets on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Little Warley Village Hall near Brentwood at 6.30 p.m. onwards for a 7.00 p.m. start, where a succession of speakers in business give talks on personal motivation in business. There are also groups in other parts of the country. My eldest son Paul is a committee member and members of our family recently went to a black tie fund raiser for charity. Secondly from funds raised they are distributing baskets for needy people on Sunday December 21st meeting from 7.00a.m. to 3.30p.m. to coordinate the work at Hall Mark Care Home offices at 2, Kingfisher House Radford Way Billiericay CM12 0EQ. Fuller details of this is on the Yes Group Essex website and attenders will be very welcome.
NAME: James (Jas) CowenWell, the Yes Group Essex distribution of baskets just before Christmas has come and gone. There are loads of photos by various people on Facebook and probably elsewhere of the pile of baskets distributed and of the volunteer helpers. My son Paul thanks all those who helped in the assembly of these baskets and the distribution.