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NAME: Adam Lines
Then & NowDATE: 25 January 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: inmate 1957-64
Further to the recent commendable trend whereby ex QE inmates expose the
full extent of their facial atrophy to former colleagues, herewith a pic of
yours truly. I've asked for this message to be published as 'Anon' as I have a small wager with my wife that none of my
class mates will be able to put a name to the pic!
1st REPLY (before name was revealed)
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 27 January 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil (1957-64)
I was rather hoping that Vic had inadvertently included the originator of this thread on his list of contributors. But, of course, he's too sharp to do that. Would it be too much of a clue for Anon to confirm (or deny) that thread 113 is not the first that he's originated?
2nd REPLY (before name was revealed)
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 31 January 2013
Well this is a new game and you are right, Vic, to wonder underneath the enlarged photo if this will develop to rival thread 32. We discussed anonymity in entries in thread 97 and I think that maybe this is a genuine use of Anon, although there has been an entry recently, which made me question again why the contributor felt it necessary to post as Anon. Well maybe there will be others anonymously posting their photos for others to guess but in the meantime it would be good if some of the regular contributors might post photos and also ones of when younger at school. As was also said on another thread people may change a lot in appearance. I expect I am one of those, except some did somehow recognize me at the last OE Annual Dinner. Certainly I recognized Messrs Newton and Wormald, fellow ex-Harrisons guys. Photos of them may be compared at the same Dinner with that of the 1st XI school photo of 1962, both on the site.
3rd REPLY (before name was revealed)
NAME: Brian Seal
DATE: 31 January 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1957 - 63
Ok, I'm probably going to make a complete idiot of myself, but my deduction technique is as follows - 1. Check out the contributors who attended during the years pertinent; 2. Eliminate those I know for sure (Cottrell, Symons and myself); 3. Eliminate the irregular contributors; 4. Eliminate Stephen Giles who already has his photo on the site; 5. That leaves Adam Lines! OK, so I am a complete idiot !!!!
4th REPLY (before name was revealed)
NAME: Derek Scudder
DATE: 31 January 2013
Adam Lines
NAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 27 January 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil (1954-59)
I'm afraid you owe Mrs Lines, Adam - only two people had a go and they both sussed you!
6th REPLY (before name was revealed)
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 31 January 2013
Of course it is fun to have new photos on the site to challenge us but there are still identification gaps in regard to existing photos such as actors in the various school plays of yesteryear and the house photos, which thread 109 has continued to assist in. Some time I will have a look and try to add some names myself if I am able to. I have printed out the house photos and will apply the magnifying glass I have just bought to do so. It will also come in handy to magnify my London A to Z, as street names are very small in it.
NAME: Adam Lines
Then & NowDATE: 01 February 2013
OK guv, it's a fair cop. My good lady wife is at this moment choosing the restaurant - its worrying that she has asked me how to spell Gavroche.... Sadly recognition was as a result of deduction rather than preservation but never mind.
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 01 February 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil (1957-64)
Adam: it was the smile (mischievous grin?) which I found to be the give-away. The jaunty style of prose (in the original message on this thread) was a subsidiary clue, when compared with your contributions on other threads. Since Brian, Derek and I were in 1B, we weren't really your classmates in 1957; exactly what happened after that, I'm not so sure... Keep smiling, Adam!
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