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NAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 12 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1954-1959
Many of you will have seen the recent
article on QE in
The Independent. It would be interesting to have your comments. ("Your" meaning anyone at all visiting this site.)
NAME: Chris Brand
DATE: 13 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil, 1954-1961
The Indie's statement that QE's boys are today "90% from ethnic minority groups" does astonish - even admitting the IQ superiorities of voluntary migrants in general and of East Asians ('Mongoloids') in particular. From the School's own website, the pictures suggest perhaps 40% are 'ethnic' - and usually coffee-coloured (so the result of mixed marriages).
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 15 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: inmate 1957-64
I think it would be more accurate to say that QE has "re-insisted" that all its first year pupils (is that year 6 in schoolspeak??) study Latin!!! Actually, I don't think we ever "studied" Latin, we endured it!! I think Spanish is far more useful than Mandarin - I wonder how you say "
Me gustaría tener un secador de pelo por favor" in Mandarin!!
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 15 April 2014
Thank you, Vic, for posting this
[original message]. The school did not expand from 300 pupils in the 1970s, as the article claims. There were, I'm sure, about 600 throughout most of the 1960s, when I was there. Three-form-entry had started in 1957, I believe.
NOTE FROM VIC: There were three forms when I started there in 1954.
NAME: Ian Sadler

DATE: 15 April 2014
An interesting article - when i visited the school in 2011 and had a conducted tour by the then head John Marincowitz, I would have said at least 3 out of 4 boys were from 'ethnic minority groups'. The statement that it was a 300-pupil school in the 1970s is clearly wrong. When I left in 1958, 90 pupils were entering each year which would make the roll at least 600.
NAME: Alan Pyle

DATE: 15 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1948-1953
I read Richard Garner's article on QE with interest and the impression it left me was how far on the school has progressed. It must be both a challenge and a delight to teach boys from so many different countries and to be a student in such an international institution. What a great preparation for life. I saw the Reply 1 from C R Brand. I find its tone and language highly offensive. I knew nothing of him or his work and found it puzzling that Vic should have posted it.
NAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 15 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1954-1959
It was not an easy decision, Alan: I admit to finding the tension between the principle of free speech and the desire to suppress the propagation of what may be deemed offensive and/or sinister ideas a difficult thing to negotiate. My answer (or cop-out, if you like) is to leave it to you, the contributors, except in the case of clearly libellous comments about current or recent members of staff or pupils. I've always had a rule - not that I've ever published it anywhere on the site - that three complaints from separate contributors would be enough to get a message taken down. It's only happened once in the 10-year history of the site. Complaints may be sent for publication, like Alan's, or made privately. Either way thay will count.
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 19 April 2014
I have read this
Independent article of 9th April
[see original message] and think it a very good demonstration of the Headmaster Neil Enright's excellent publicity statements. The 37 offers of places at Oxbridge compares very favourably with the 8 or so of 50 years ago but of course that is from a currently larger base of approximately 3 times the number of pupils. Many others have of course also gained places elsewhere. I do share Chris Brand's surprise
[reply 1] at the alleged percentage of so called ethnic minority groups. The way that immigration has occurred in the London boroughs the old middle class whites are becoming more like the minority. Certainly I don't judge any on skin colour. On that basis the Elim church I attend in Salisbury is over 50% the same. We enjoy an International Day each year when those from Ghana, Jamaica and so on come in national costumes. We also enjoy meals with national dishes provided for all to eat. Founders Day also sees international cuisine for all.
NOTE FROM VIC: Chris Brand submitted a reply to Alan Pyle's criticism [reply 5]. Unfortunately, although it was perfectly reasonable in tone (i.e. it was not combative but explanatory) and well set out, I felt that the theory expressed in it might cause further offence and I therefore declined to publish it (despite what I said about leaving it to you the subscribers in my reply 6).
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 29 April 2014
In the past entries on the site such as the debate whether QEs is a good school or not has caused offence to the other side in the debate but I do not think that should be a reason for non-publication
[see green note in reply above], as long as there are no incitements to cause real damage, such as urging people to abuse or kill others. I think Chris Brand's reply to Alan Pyle should be shown, especially if it was reasonable in tone and well set out, even if some disagree. In relation to the Indie article, I was interested to see one of the tweet comments reflected the earlier debates on this site. This was the reply about the school always being great at getting the press to publish puff pieces how brilliant they are and not to believe a word of it. I myself do believe it. Comments were again made about those not reaching the high school standards. Well they have deprived someone else of a coveted place and should be opposed and told to move elsewhere.
NAME: Vic Coughtrey
Then & NowDATE: 29 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1954-1959
Regarding the first part of your reply above, Jas, I think a lot of people would agree with me that there's a gear change between arguing, however fiercely, about the merits and demerits of a school and discussing a theory of IQ relative to various races. I could think of very many things one could say that would not overtly constitute "incitement to real damage, such as urging people to abuse or kill others" but which would nevertheless be regarded by many contributors as unsuitable for publication on this site. I certainly don't wish to avoid controversy - in fact, there's probably not enough rough and tumble on the site these days - and my own nature is to drag everything out in the open and debate it in a civilised way. There are, however, many who believe that the boundaries of free speech don't stretch quite as far as Chris's theories. Publishing might be considered a step too far and after all, I long ago compromised by providing links to
Chris's blog and I shouldn't even have done that, according to some - eg
Thread 106, reply 1. Chris himself is appalled to find that 'peecee' has got its tentacles into this site but peecee, like H&S, is not the monster it is often made out to be. It is sometimes taken to ludicrous extremes, but at its best it's all about trying to avoid offending too many people's sensitivities too grossly. Having said all that, faced with a verbal riot in favour of publishing and with no counter-blast, I might just change my mind ...
10th REPLY
NAME: Adam Lines
Then & NowDATE: 30 April 2014
Publish and be damned or censure and be cuckolded. Your call Vic and no-one else's.
I'm not sure I like the sound of either of those optons, Adam, so I'm coming down firmly on the side of um, er, procrastination.
11th REPLY
NAME: Alan Pyle

DATE: 30 April 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1948-1953
I have just listened on R4 to the first of three programmes by Adam Rutherford entitled
Intelligence: Born Smart, Born Equal, Born Different. Tuesdays at 11am. It is tackling a tricky subject very well and explaining why this is so. Many contributors are taking part to help him answer the question: "Why does it seem impossible to have a calm and reasoned discussion of the science of why some people are more intelligent than others?". Recommended.
But he's presumably talking about individuals, regardless of race or sex. It wouldn't have thought it was too controversial to say that some people are born smarter than others. I can't imagine the BBC being able to handle a similar discussion on the basis of whole races and/or sexes.
12th REPLY
NAME: Alan Pyle

DATE: 01 May 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1948-1953
But they are tackling the whole field Vic!
[See green note above]. See the synopsis on the
BC R4 website and you will catch the spirit of this inquiry.
13th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 10 May 2014
I too have been listening to
Born Smart, Born Equal, Born Different [replies 11 & 12] and have found it interesting so far, with one more programme to go. Of course it is good that there are differences and a variety of talents, which we should employ to the full once we know what they are. I attended a funeral in Watford recently of my wife's old boss at ICI Plastics. Her old boss was a very bright linguist who went to Girton, Cambridge and served at Bletchley Park in earlier years but as was remarked by friends and relatives she was hopeless at practical house and machine matters. It was good someone else could deal with these things. My wife's dad was the same, unable even to do any cooking.
14th REPLY
NAME: Gerry Hunt
DATE: 10 May 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: pupil 1954-61
As the author of
reply 1 in Thread 106, referred to in Vic's reply no 9 in this thread, I'd like to make it clear that I did not feel that Vic shouldn't have included a link to Brand's website. I just wanted to make my opinion clear that his views are, as I said, revolting and offensive. If anyone is offended by his comments in reply 1 to this thread, you ain't seen nothing yet! I agree in principle with free speech, with the constraints referred to in a few replies above. However, I think that some of Brand's comments, if they appeared in publicly available social media outlets, might well be subject to legal scrutiny.
Reading your reply in Thread 106 again, Gerry, I see that I indeed rather casually inferred too much - apologies.
15th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 13 May 2014
There was another very interesting programme on Radio 4 the other day hosted by Peter White, the commentator from Winchester who suffers from blindness but who is in my opinion a marvellous broadcaster. It was about the coaching of youngsters pre-age 11 arranged by parents to get their children through the 11-plus exams for entry to grammar schools, which are still prominent in areas such as in Kent. It also talked about efforts being made by some such schools to counter this by trying to question pupils in ways that cannot be trained. The similarity to the situation with QEs comes to mind and the relevance of it. I am thankful my children were able to go to one of the local comprehensives, which are also mixed sex schools, which incidentally prevail in our area. I am glad that we did not have the expense of extra tuition fees plus the fact that when young they enjoyed so much more than rigid book studies and excess teaching.
16th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 20 July 2014
On attending Founders Day for the last 3 years I am intrigued in the face of a multi ethnic mix school with possibly and most likely probably different faith views how the Christian Founders Day service is maintained without inclusion of other religious views incorporated. Do all regard tradition and keeping the very little changed service as still the predominant thought? I talked about this with Mr Ryan, one of the assistant heads, who said the present school captain being Jewish and a strict follower of his traditional religion walked from Finchley to Barnet as part of the Jewish Sabbath (i.e. Saturday) rather than taking a bus or having a lift by car. In regards to tradition it is worth remembering the School Chronicle reading and the service only goes back to EHJ's time. His decision or was it from governors? - Suspect the former.
17th REPLY
NAME: Nick Dean
DATE: 24 July 2014
As regards the chronicle - which I have only ever heard on a gramophone record (how sad is that?) - Jenkins says in his book that one or two governors wanted Founder's Day to have more of an historical flavour and that he and Cecil Tripp, who was then writing the history of the school, were charged with seeing what could be done. They came up with the chronicle. EHJ says also that this action point was not in fact minuted; so conceivably he latched on to some rather peripheral observations in a way that suited him. In my day, Derek Fry used to take Roman Catholic boys to a separate service. I seem to recall that this was quite popular with those affected because not only did you avoid the formality of the Barnet Church celebration, but breakfast (or maybe what we would now call brunch) was also provided - no doubt courtesy of Fry himself, who, like Poker Pearce, was quite generous with that sort of thing. He used also to take Harrisons prizewinners off for tea as a reward for sitting through Speech Day, which I got the impression he found pretty tiresome himself.
18th REPLY
NAME: Martyn Day
Then & NowDATE: 29 July 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Inmate 1956-63
Am I hallucinating or is this the first sign of approaching dementia? I seem to remember a Founders Day back in about 1961, when the 6th form, extremely irritated by the endless roll calling - "Adcock? Adsum! Ainsley? Adsum!" etc etc - decided to stage a mass 'Faint-In'. (Roll calling by name may have worked in 1567 when there were only about a dozen pupils at the school, but when there were 450+ !?) Although we had all been tutored in a technique to avoid fainting - "Stand on your toes, then relax" - on that hot summer day the 6th form, one by one, began to collapse to the ground, sending teachers and anxious parents into paroxysms of concern. The following year common sense prevailed and the roll call was greatly shortened to calling by House, as in "Leicester? Adsumus!" It was the same year that one of our more snooty colleagues noted disparagingly that my mother wasn't wearing a hat!
19th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 30 July 2014
Thanks for your info, Nick
[reply 17], about the school chronicle in EHJ's book. I did look up any references in Cecil Tripp's book and whilst he refers to the introduction of the Chronicle he does not say anything much about it. An update of the school chronicle as it was read by the Headmaster Neil Enright is now on the QE school official
website. The additions this year refer to the opening of the new Queen's Library and the award of MBEs to the chairman of the Governors (Barrie Martin) and to the Head of mathematics (Mrs Fauziah Scarisbick).
In regard to Martyn's
adsum and
adsumus [reply 18] there is no longer any such but a proportion of the boys are assembled opposite the front of the school and sit down when the school chronicle is read out. Teachers, various dignitaries and some others are lined up either side of the HM. The reading of the chronicle was delayed this year due to loudspeaker equipment problems. Only a part of the school, due to size, also attend the service.
NAME: Nigel Wood
DATE: 31 July 2014
"The reading of the chronicle was delayed this year due to loudspeaker equipment problems", says Jas. Wouldn't have happened in my day! Being of a nerdish turn of mind I can still recall the wonderful public address system of the Founders' Day fainting era. The amplifier (which fed horn loudspeakers) must have weighed as much as a small motorbike, and featured very large output valves (directly heated triodes, I believe) with beautifully glowing filaments. It must have been contemporary in manufacture with the equipment used by the Führer to deliver to the German crowds those extraordinary tirades which make me laugh whenever I see and hear them on film, but which were clearly no laughing matter.
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