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21st REPLY
NAME: Stephen Giles

DATE: 17 September 2012
CONNECTION WITH QE: inmate 1957-64
[Re reply 20]: Glyn, was that Mike Stevens & the Saphires by any chance? I remember seeing them a number of times around the Barnet area. Mike Stevens did a few gigs with our band with Mick Allen & Dave Ward, also from QE. I remember one time at a church hall in Totteridge when we shouted out for a particular Shadows instrumental which the guitarist did not know so I was hauled up on stage to play it - the very first time I played a Fender Stratocaster! I must have been 16 or 17 at the time.
22nd REPLY
NAME: Glyn Day
DATE: 17 September 2012
Stephen, I think my 'Saphires' is a different band, although, it sounds as if your band was more popular; I don't remember any venues or gigs, but I do remember getting together to rehearse. I did understand that Brian Freshwater of my band did go into the music business and was/is a record producer. My music career started at QE and after being in a couple of groups and a duo, I now front/run a Scottish Ceilidh band!
23rd REPLY
NAME: Brian Seal

DATE: 18 September 2012
Yes, Brian Freshwater has managed loads of stars. I know he represented Joss Stone (and maybe still does). If you want to check you'll find him at Underhill whenever Barnet FC are at home!!
24th REPLY
NAME: Brian Freshwater
DATE: 20 November 2013
CONNECTION WITH QE: Inmate 1958 to 64
Brian, I'm now to be found at The Hive when Barnet are at home! I've been in touch with other band members, and we're trying to arrange a re-union meal. Would you be up for this? Sometime in April next year. Probably best to email me
[Email available from webmaster]. Yes have spent my whole career in music, despite school advising me that it was no way to make a living. Would be great to hear what you've been up to!
25th REPLY
NAME: James (Jas) Cowen
Then & NowDATE: 10 December 2013
I was interested to see your reference, Brian, to being found at the Hive when Barnet are at home. Some explanation should perhaps be made for readers on the site who like me live out of town, as it were, and who do not now follow and support Barnet Football Club, though I did when at school. The Hive you mention is not a pub in Barnet but refers to the new ground in Harrow where Barnet play their home games now. I discovered this when reading Google/Wikipedia sites on Barnet FC after being told in the last Elizabethan that Barnet had now moved to Edgware. The sites I mention are worth reading for those a bit out of touch with Barnet FC, despite watching much soccer on TV. Mike Hagger at the last 40 club dinner said he had been to Underhill in recent times. Maybe he will be able to get to the Hive some time also. I will myself if in that area at the right time.
26th REPLY
NAME: Guy Hewlett
DATE: 28 May 2014
CONNECTION WITH QE: Pupil 1954-1962
Going back to the musical theme of this thread, I was fascinated to see a
second photograph of The Visiting Rhythm Group. Thanks again Martyn! I am not so sure about the chord we are playing ... looks more like F#7 to me. If you were playing Dmaj, no wonder we only played one gig! What impresses me most though is Martyn's stance - the embryonic stage guitarist is quite clearly seen, leaning back on the right leg, left knee slightly bent, guitar at waist level. Wonderful times!!
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